Monday, August 29, 2022



Who was Dr. Maria Montessori

Founder of  Montessori School System

Maria Montessori was born on the 31st August 1870 in the town of Chiaravalle, Italy. Her father, Alessandro, was an accountant in the civil service (government job), and her mother, Renilde Stoppani, was well educated and had a passion for reading.

The Montessori family moved to Rome in 1875 and the following year Maria was enrolled in the local state school. Breaking conventional (ordinary) barriers from the beginning of her education, Maria initially had aspirations (wishing) to become an engineer.

When Maria graduated secondary school, she became determined (decided ) to enter medical school and become a doctor. Despite her parents’ encouragement to enter teaching, Maria wanted to study the male dominated field of medicine. After initially (at first) being refused, with the endorsement (support) of Pope Leo XIII, Maria was eventually given entry to the University of Rome in 1890, becoming one of the first women in medical school in Italy. Despite (even though) facing many obstacles due to her gender, Maria qualified as a doctor in July 1896. Soon after her medical career began, Maria became involved in the Women’s Rights movement. She became known for her high levels of competency (something a person is good at) in treating patients, but also for the respect she showed to patients from all social classes. 

Introduction to Practical Life

What is Practical Life

Practical: means basic, useful, purposeful Life: means the way of living.Practical life Exercises are just that, they are Exercises so the child can learn how to do living activities in a purposeful way.

Meaning and Purpose of Practical Life

The purpose and aim of Practical Life is to help the child gain control in the coordination of his movement, and help the child to gain independence and adapt to his society. It is therefore important to “Teach teaching, not correcting” (Montessori) in order to allow the child to be a fully functional member in his own society. Practical Life Exercises also aid the growth and development of the child’s intellect and concentration and will in turn also help the child develop an orderly way of thinking.

Exercise Groups

Practical Life Exercises can be categorized into four different groups: Preliminary Applications, Applied Applications, Grace and Courtesy, and Control of Moment.

In the Preliminary Exercises, the child learns the basic movements of all societies such as pouring, folding, and carrying.

In the Applied Exercises, the child learns about the care and maintenance that helps every day life. These activities are, for example, the care of the person (i.e the washing of the hand) and the care of the environment (i.e dusting a table or outdoor sweeping).

In the Grace and Courtesy Exercises, the children work on the interactions of people to people.

In the Control of Movement Exercises, the child learns about his own movements and learns how to refine his coordination through such activities as walking on the line.

Reason for Practical Life Exercises

Children are naturally interested in activities they have witnessed. Therefore, Dr. Montessori began using what she called “Practical Life Exercises” to allow the child to do activities of daily life and therefore adapt and orientate himself in his society. It is therefore the Directress’s task to demonstrate the correct way of doing these Exercises in a way that allows the child to fully observe the movements. Montessori says, “If talking don’t move, if moving don’t talk”.  Kims Education Center. Distance Learning. Creative Commons License.

Characteristics of Practical Life

Because Practical Life Exercises are meant to resemble everyday activities, it is important that all materials be familiar, real, breakable, and functional. The materials must also be related to the child’s time and culture. In order to allow the child to fully finish the exercise and to therefore finish the full cycle of the activity, the material must be complete. In the environment, the Directress may want to color code the materials as well as arrange the materials based on difficulties in order to facilitate the classification and arrangements of the work by the children. The attractiveness is also of utmost importance as Montessori believed that the child must be offered what is most beautiful and pleasing to the eye so as to help the child enter into a “more refined and subtle world”.

Sensorial Education

Why is the Sensorial curriculum so important in the primary classroom? Maria Montessori emphasized that there is a sensitive period for children, ages three to six, "when there is a natural inclination to perfect one's senses and movements." (Discovery of the Child) Understanding that young children learn by moving and exploring through their senses, Montessori developed the elegant Sensorial apparatus, which introduces abstract concepts (for example, long, broad, tall) with concrete objects.

Isolating One Quality

The Sensorial materials help children explore and refine the five classic senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell, as well as the complex senses of thermic (temperature), baric (weight), and stereognostic (identifying objects by size and shape, based on touch alone). Each material isolates one quality, such as color, shape, roughness, or length, and then varies just that one quality. This isolation of what's different in just one aspect allows children to perceive the "Piagetian cognitive skills such as one-to-one correspondence, classification and seriation." (Chattin-McNichols, The Montessori Controversy)

Sensorial Games and Variations

We can challenge a child who has mastered the basic presentations of the Sensorial apparatus by showing games such as matching from memory, grading from memory, and then adding complexity by grading from any point in the series. For example, place the Red Rods on one rug and then carry a medium length Red Rod to a second rug on the other side of the classroom. Ask the child to fetch the Red Rod that is "the next longer than this one." Vary this activity by asking for the rod that is the next shorter. These same games can be played with many of the Sensorial materials such as the Bells, Pink Tower, Brown Stair, and Sound Boxes.


Sensitize the Fingertips

Many teachers don't show children how to sensitize their fingertips, which is an activity that will optimize experiences with the tactile materials (the Rough and Smooth Boards, the Sandpaper Letters). Show children how to soak their fingertips in warm water and then gently stimulate the fingertips while drying them with a towel. Not only does it prepare children's fingertips to be more sensitive, it also teaches respect for the materials and helps to keep them beautiful and clean.  Kims Education Center. Distance Learning. Creative Commons License.

Keep It Fresh: Sensorial Extensions

 Take the children on a listening walk. How many different sounds can they hear and identify?

 How about a smelling walk? Especially when flowers are in bloom, after a rainfall, or when the grass has been freshly cut.

 Cooking with children is a marvelous time to appreciate smells: vanilla, cinnamon, apples, lemons, the smell of yeast when making bread. Touch can be refined by noticing the feel of flour, the textures of fruits and vegetables.

 Use fresh herbs from the garden to put seasonal scents in the Smelling Bottles.

 The Progressive Exercise: Use corks, buttons, shells, or beads of increasing size. Children grade items progressively from largest to smallest.

 As an extension of the Tasting Bottles, show older children a diagram of the tongue highlighting which area is most sensitive to which taste (bitter, sweet, sour, salty). Children can place the same taste on different parts of their tongue to see if they notice the sensitivity.

 Blindfolds Increase the Challenge! Montessori noted that the eye can interfere with what the hand knows. Using a blindfold with the following exercises will isolate the sense.

 The Mystery Bag: Name each item as you place it in a mystery bag. The more surprising and varied the better! For example: a key, marble, pine cone, walnut, peach pit, candle, thimble, ball of wool, stone. When blindfolded, the child feels each item and identifies it before removing it from the bag.

 Place rough and smooth rocks or shells in a mystery bag for the children to sort into the two categories of rough and smooth. Then grade them: "Can you find one that is smoother?"

 Sorting Grains: Place a small amount of two different grains, beans, or seeds into one bowl. Invite the child to sort the grains from the mixture. Later add another grain, varying the combinations using wheat, rice, barley, lentils, peas, beans, mustard seeds, coffee beans. Using a blindfold helps the child concentrate on what he's feeling.

Cultural Studies

The Montessori Cultural Studies curriculum provides children with an opportunity to explore the larger world. As part of a rich exploration of the different cultures of the world, students learn about the people, terrain and animals of each continent as they study them in the course of the three-year cycle.

Cultural Studies also introduces children to the physical world that surrounds them, providing them with the opportunity to explore real things, and learn the scientific names for plants and animals. Areas studied include geography, zoology, botany, physics, earth science and social studies. 

The Land & Water Globe and the Continent Globe

These two special globes are used to introduce physical geography. The first is used to teach the idea of how land areas and water are represented on a Globe. Land is shown as rough brown area; water is smooth blue surface areas. The second introduces the seven continents. Each is shown in a distinct color. Children learn the names and location of each continent. The color code used on the Continent Globe is carried on with the Puzzle Map of the World and in early work in continent studies.         

Puzzle Maps

The large wooden puzzle maps are among the most popular activities in the classroom. The child can put each puzzle piece into place by means of a little knob on its flat, shiny surface. The introductory map of the world has a separate puzzle piece for each continent. After working with

the world map, the child can do one of six puzzle maps of continents in which each country is represented by a separate puzzle piece. Finally, there is a map of Pakistan with a separate piece for each province. As they manipulate these puzzles, students learn about the different countries located on each continent. An extension of this initial introduction invites the child to create his or her own continent map on paper. The child pin-punches each country out of different colored construction paper, and assembles these into the whole continent using the puzzle maps as a guide. A further refinement of this work for older children involves using the puzzle pieces to trace each country onto a blank piece of paper, thereby re-creating a given continent. The countries are then individually colored in and labeled.                   



Botany is introduced using beautiful sets of nature cards which illustrate in color such information as the parts of a tree, the parts of a leaf or the parts of a flower. The children match these illustrations with the corresponding names. Working with these cards helps the youngsters to become more observant of the characteristics of things which grow in their own environments. They frequently have plants, flowers, or vegetables growing in the classroom; or they bring in samples which they can coordinate with the illustrations on the cards.

An extension of this matching work for the older students is the opportunity to create a “book.” The book is made up of one page describing each part of the tree, flower or plant. Using the matching cards as a guide, the student colors and labels the specific part of the plant on each page in turn, and then staples these together to form their own book.


Students are introduced to the concept of living vs. nonliving early in the 3-year cycle. They are then introduced to the five vertebrate classes: mammal, amphibian, reptile, fish and bird. Throughout the three-year curriculum, there are opportunities to learn more about the animals that belong to each of these classes. In addition, students learn about the human skeleton using a life size model, and also study invertebrates. Whenever possible, teachers will produce a live exhibit to illustrate teaching in zoology.   

Earth Science & Physics

Dr. Montessori’s rich science curriculum begins with hands-on experiences in the Primary classroom. There are items from nature displayed throughout the classroom, and students are invited to explore different kinds of rocks, shells, and other specimens. In addition, students may conduct small experiments to help them explore such concepts as “sink and float”, “living and nonliving” or “magnetic and nonmagnetic.” A constantly rotating curriculum also provides the opportunity for students to explore such areas as the solar system, volcanoes and the weather.

 Language in the Classroom

Much evidence has been provided for Maria Montessori’s theory on the Absorbent Mind since it has been observed that children, without ever being taught, seemingly explode into language, reading and writing. Within the Montessori primary environment, language is given in all the areas and throughout the day at Language, Reading and Writing in the Montessori Classroom. Enriching the child’s vocabulary expands his capacity to clearly communicate to others and express himself. Once the child is able to better express himself, his personality begins to truly surface and shine. Language in the Montessori Language Area is taught with the Three Period Lesson. With this lesson the teacher can evaluate the child’s understanding without pressure or stigma, so that his intrinsic motivation is not thwarted. The adult first states the name of an object. Next, the adult asks the child to hand her or point to the object when she states the name. Lastly, the child is asked when the adult points to a particular object to recall that object’s name. If a child cannot complete a certain stage of the lesson, the Guide stops and resumes it from the beginning another day. With this lesson the Guide is able to see if the child comprehends the presentation’s concept and language. 


Written Language in the Montessori environment is given as early as age two and a 3 half with Sound Games. The Guide might state to a group of children, “I am thinking of an object that starts with the sound ‘A’,” and have the children look around the environment and guess ‘A’ words. With this knowledge the child can begin to analyze word sounds, and recognize that each word is made up of these sounds. It has been said that writing is one of the first academic obstacles a child must overcome, however in the Montessori environment the different obstacles this task is made up of are broken down, so that the child overcomes them one at a time when working with other materials. 


Math in the Montessori Classroom Although art and music are often thought to be the most “hands-on” forms of learning in classrooms, the Montessori approach believes that math offers one of the richest opportunities to make connections between the hands, the brain, and the numbers that make up the world around us. As Dr. Montessori theorized, the connection between brain development and motor skills both impact children’s ability to understand concepts at different ages, moving from the abstract to the concrete over time. Before the age of 10, Dr. Montessori felt that children needed to work with mathematics in a concrete, physical, and highly tangible way in order to understand their basic functions. She believed that this tactile learning style, a radical approach compared to the rote pen-to-paper drills and memorization that most children learned through, gave children the ability to understand concepts in the physical sense, so that they may understand them in more abstract ones. As children mature, they become more attuned to abstract perception, therefore able to ‘fill in the blanks’ of their comprehension and solve in ways that they couldn’t at a younger age.

Migrate to Canada

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Saturday, August 27, 2022

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Hospitality & Tourism

 Job Search Resources worldwide

 Job search resources for aspiring career professionals.

  • - this site contains information about tourism and travel industry jobs. Users can upload a resume and browse through job postings. There is no fee to search for jobs on this site.

  • - this site contains listings for jobs in the wine, beer, and hospitality business. Users can narrow searches by position and keywords. It also offers a feature allowing users to upload a resume and post a career profile. There is no fee to use this site.

  • Jobboard - this site was developed for people interested in pursuing careers in the special events and convention industry. There is no charge to browse job listings, register to be notified of new jobs via e-mail, and create and upload a resume. This site also contains numerous career resource links.

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  • - this free site contains information about acquiring waitstaff jobs. Users can browse job listings, upload resumes, and contact companies throughout the nation.

  • Resort Jobs - this site contains job listings at resorts, cruise lines, ski resorts, hotels, national parks, and other popular tourist destinations.

  • - this site provides information about working at food and beverage companies. Users can narrow job searches by region, specialty, company, or keywords. Users can also upload resumes, sign up for a job search agent, and browse through available job listings.

  • - this free site contains job listings for food industry related jobs. Job searches can be narrowed by region and job specialty, and users can upload resumes anonymously. This site also features a service known as Career Scout, and it lists companies and recruiting agencies.

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  • - this site contains thousands of casino, resort, restaurant, cruise line, hotel and other jobs in the hospitality industry. Users can also upload resumes anonymously or permit their resumes to be viewed openly. There is no fee to search for jobs on this site.

  • Hotel Career Solutions - This site contains information about hotel jobs. Explore links providing career information, narrow job searches by region, specialty, and keywords, and post a confidential career profile.

  • Hotel Jobs - this site contains job postings for numerous jobs in the hospitality industry.

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  • - this site contains information about culinary arts jobs. It contains listings of many jobs including, chef, restaurant manager, and various other jobs. It also contains a useful career center. There is no fee to use these services.

  • Casino Careers Online - this site contains information about casino jobs. There is no cost to post an anonymous resume on this site in an open access format.

  • - this site permits users to upload resumes and cover letters and browse through job postings at tennis, gold, health, and yacht country clubs. Users can narrow searches by specialty, region, or club type. This site also contains a free job matching feature.

  • Daytona Beach Area: Careers in Tourism - this free site contains information about jobs available in the Halifax Hospitality industry. Job seekers can find entry level and management jobs.

Did U Know Blogs


Friday, August 26, 2022



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1. A leading Canadian job site. Upload resume. Job alerts direct in your email.

2. Wisestep: A Popular Free Job Posting Site for Social Recruiting Wisestep is a social recruiting job board where you can post as many jobs and search through as many resumes as you please. It’s best when you’re looking for passive talent from a particular school, industry, or college. Wisestep also allows you to sync your hiring efforts with your current social network to get the word out about your job openings. It supports 40,000 clients.

3. Ladders: Post Free Management & Executive Jobs

Ladders gives you 20 job postings and unlimited resume searches for free. It started out designed for roles with salaries of $100,000 and higher, making it a great place to find managers and executives. Today, it accepts most professional job postings with salaries higher than $40,000, and it has over 240,000 six-figure jobs posted.

4. SimplyHired: Share Open Jobs on Over 100 Job Boards Free SimplyHired is a job search engine that aggregates job postings and resumes. Post your job for free on SimplyHired (which uses Indeed to manage its job postings) and it’s shared on over 100 job boards. When applicants apply on SimplyHired, you’ll get an email.

5. JobSpider: Free Job Posting Alternative to Craigslist

This site was created after its owner got frustrated with Craigslist and the number of job scams that were found there. These days, you have to pay to post jobs on Craigslist. JobSpider is a simple online alternative that offers unlimited free job posts and free resume searches through its platform. It’s great for employers looking to search and view resumes, and it has over 100,000 job seeker resumes to check out.

6. PostJobFree: Access to a Free Resume Database

This site acts as a feeder for the larger job boards, meaning that whatever you post here is usually also picked up and cross-posted to other job boards like Indeed and ZipRecruiter. You can post for free on its basic site, as well as search its resume database at no charge. About 1.5 million jobs are posted on this site each week.

7. JobInventory: Post Jobs by State Under Free Account JobInventory aggregates posts from various other job boards, similar to Indeed. Its interface is not very high tech and you’re required to sign up for an account before using it. That’s because JobInventory wants to verify each job is legit before posting it for their job seekers. Jobs can be added by state, which is nice when you’re seeking local job applicants or can’t offer relocation.

8. Hubstaff Talent: Free Postings to Find Freelancers & Temps

Hubstaff is a newer player in the job posting field. Its core software tracks employee time. However, it offers free job posts for full-time employees and temporary or contract roles for freelancers. That makes Hubstaff Talent a great place to look for both kinds of talent, as it gets over 90,000 monthly visitors. Here’s a review of Hubstaff time and attendance software.

9. Jora: Free International Job Postings Jora is a top-rated free job posting site that users like due to its streamlined interface. It crosses geographies and works as well for international firms as for U.S.-based companies. There’s no cost to join, post jobs online, or crawl jobs from your own website. To get started, choose your country’s flag from Jora’s web page and post a job in under two minutes using a simple form.

10. Jobvertise: View Up to 3 Free Resumes Daily Jobvertise, like many of the free job boards, is designed to help you promote and advertise your job postings with paid plan options. Nonetheless, it offers free job postings and free resume views in the Free plan, with the only restriction being that you will only have five days to view the online job applications for your jobs. It supports recruiting for half a million employers with over a million job seekers on its site.

4 Free Job Posting Sites for Hourly Employees

If your business hires hourly employees, like those who work in a cafe, restaurant, cleaning service, or retail store, you might want to try one of these free job boards. Unlike Indeed, where job seekers post their resumes, many of the hourly job posting sites let job seekers apply using only an online application form. Many provide a mobile app.

The next four free job posting sites are great for finding workers to fill hourly jobs:

1. Homebase: Free Job Posting & Applicant Tracking Homebase makes it easy to set up your hourly job postings for roles like waitstaff and retail clerks by providing starter job descriptions for common hourly roles. It gives you a career page for your website and posts your open jobs to multiple job boards. Its mobile app makes candidate communication and new hire onboarding easy too.

2. When I Work: Free Job Board & Shift Scheduling When I Work is well known for its shift scheduling and time-tracking apps available for free for businesses with under 75 employees. Like Home base, its free plan includes a hiring app. That lets you post jobs and find employees to fill those empty shifts.

3. Snag: Custom Career Website & Free Job Postings

You may know this site better by its former name, Snagajob. Snag allows you to build a custom career website for your business and post jobs for free. Snag is best for entry-level candidates such as housekeepers, laborers, and hourly workers. You can even track and screen applicants for free using Snag.

4. Oodle: Facebook Users Can Post Local Jobs Oodle is a classified advertising website that allows you to post jobs for free. It’s also very much like Craigslist (which no longer offers free job postings) in its look and feel. It provides localized results to job seekers. Applicants can create an account with either their email or Facebook login, but to prevent fraudulent activity, it requires all employers posting jobs to have a Facebook account.

Free Job Posting Sites for Developers & Tech

Need a mobile app or a new website? In addition to Indeed, the two job posting sites below are where you’ll want to look for part-time or full-time web managers, software developers, mobile app creators, and other technical roles. While other great talent can be found on these sites, they’re best known for helping companies fill technical job openings.

1. AngelList: The LinkedIn Alternative That’s Free for Job Posting AngelList is the LinkedIn of the tech startup world; it is growing in popularity with nearly two million active candidates, including developers and designers. Recruiting tasks like posting a job and hiring a candidate are free through the site, making it a great option for small businesses looking to find IT developers, website designers, and technical staff.

2. Scouted: Pay for Top Candidates Upon Hire

Scouted allows you to post your jobs for free and you don’t have to worry about paying until you hire someone. That means no risk for you—if you post a job and find no candidates to hire, it costs nothing. Scouted provides candidates scouted from over 500 schools, with graduates having up to five years of experience across 150 majors and average SAT scores of 2180. You’ll know you’re getting the best of the best.

Free Online Marketplaces for Finding Freelancers

If you need part-time, one-off, on-demand help, or perhaps someone consistently for a set number of hours a month, remote and freelance websites can be an incredible option at economical prices. You can also find good IT help here, as well as human resources, recruiting, accounting, and project managers. Most of these websites, including Indeed, make it free to post and hire remote workers and freelancers.

On the sites below, you pay the freelancer’s wages through the website. Sometimes the freelancer pays a finder’s fee as a percentage of wages on their end. Or, you may pay a percentage (2% to 10%) on top of the freelancer’s invoice once a job, project, or milestone is completed. If you want to hire someone as an employee rather than a freelancer, you may be asked to pay a fee to the freelance website you found them on, similar to a finder’s fee.

Here are eight freelancer sites that let you post open gig roles for free:

Gig - A gig is a job that lasts a certain period of time, often the life of a project or as long as the company has that specific need. It can be short-term and specific in length, or long-term and lasting as long as the need continues

1. Fiverr: Projects Starting at $5 per Task Fiverr allows you to post your gig for free. For example, if you need someone to do data entry, or answer your phones at lunch, you may be able to get it done for as low as $5. You don’t pay to post the job, but you do pay a percentage rate to Fiverr in addition to paying the freelancer who will send you an invoice.

2. Upwork: Screen Freelancer Ratings & Post Jobs

Upwork is the behemoth of the online freelance marketplace. With no fee to the employer for posting, you are able to post jobs, track time, and manage contracts easily. You can also put parameters on your jobs so that you only see the right applicants—based on ratings, location, or work experience.

3. TalMix: Find Experienced Freelancers

Formerly known as MBA&Co, TalMix is great when you need high-quality professional freelancers—many with over 20 years’ experience and advanced degrees. Sure, you’ll pay a higher hourly rate to the freelancer, but for a project like creating your professional business plan, setting up your online store, or building an employee handbook, it’s probably worth it. You can sign up and post your jobs for free.

4. Find Technical & Design Free is the technical and design hub for online freelancers. Like other freelance websites, it is free to post and you’ll find qualified applicants quickly. Guru has tools to help you find the “diamond in the rough” to bid on your job. You will likely receive overseas applicants as well.Like many freelance websites, Guru provides an escrow account to protect your funds until work has been completed.

5. TopTal: Share Freelance Jobs With Vetted Talent

Vetting is the process of performing a background check on someone before offering them employment, conferring an award, or doing fact-checking prior to making any decision. In addition, in intelligence gathering, assets are vetted to determine their usefulness.

TopTal can be worth it if you are looking for top technical, engineering, or design talent and want a “try before you buy” option. You can work with up to five freelancers on a trial basis and only pay if you are satisfied and ready to hire the person. You will need to provide a $500 deposit, but if you hire one of its freelancers, that deposit goes toward your first freelancer invoice. If the trial period doesn’t work out, your deposit is refunded.

6. Giggrabbers: Post Open Gigs & Crowdfund Giggrabbers is a newer freelance website that’s great for startups. The freelancer pays a fee, not the employer, so you know you’re getting motivated talent. In addition to freelance workers from around the world, you can also submit your freelance project for crowdfunding to help support your work directly through the Giggrabbers site.

7. Freeeup: Post Hourly Projects for Self-employed Workers

Freeeup is free for employers to find self-employed international workers that you pay between $5 and $75 an hour to complete projects and tasks. Its freelancers have expertise in high-demand job roles such as ecommerce, website marketing, and selling on Amazon.

8. AileenSoul: Post Artistic & Creative Jobs Free AileenSoul is a cool job posting site where you can find freelancers and artists in addition to employees. It’s free to post jobs once you create a profile on the site as a business or a recruiter. And even the recruiter profile is free—making it a great option for startups and new recruiting firms doing a lot of initial hiring.

9 Free Niche Job Posting Sites

A niche in the market is a specific area of marketing which has its own particular requirements, customers, and products.

There are a surprising number of free job posting sites for niche audiences and different business models. Below are a few that might suit your specific hiring needs at no cost while supporting under served communities of talent like veterans, the disabled, work-from-home moms, and college students.

1. Post Summer & School-year Internship Jobs

As its title indicates, this is a job site to post internships. You’ll get access to eager students who can fill part-time and short-term roles, and you may find they grow into full-time employees once they graduate. also provides helpful guidance on how to hire and manage an intern. You can post internship jobs for free and support college students with on-the-job work experience to further their education.

2. Remote Developer: No Fees for Employers or Freelancers

Over the past five years, there’s been a 44% increase in remote work. You no longer have to pay relocation fees or find someone local to fill critical web design and marketing job roles. And work-from-home jobs benefit the environment too. RemoteDeveloper matches your website development and management needs with remote workers, based on the skills your business requires.

With RemoteDeveloper, there’s no fee for you to request a worker, and it doesn’t charge the remote worker fees either. Instead, their revenue comes from technical services they offer online.

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3. Post Your Open Job Free to State Workforce Systems (official website)

( Workable for Pakistan and Middle East), a government-run job site managed by the National Labor Exchange, lets anyone post a job for free to state workforce systems. You’ll often find workers who were recently laid off and may be desperate to find work before their unemployment benefits run out. Jobs are indexed and cross-posted on over 1,000 job boards if you provide a city and state location in your job post.

4. Learn4Good: Post Jobs to College Students for Up to 6 Months Free

Learn4Good is an educational website that offers a job board for students. It’s processed over 3 million jobs. While it isn’t completely free, you can post up to 20 jobs in a six-month period for free and receive emails and phone calls from applicants. Plus, you can view college student resumes for free. That’s helpful when you’re searching for your next hire in fields like engineering, cybersecurity, logistics, or SEO marketing.

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5. Hire Veterans First: Job Site for Veterans

( For U.S. only )

It’s a well-known fact that veterans receive extensive training in the military on leadership. That makes them an excellent choice for supervisory and managerial roles. This job board is free to post jobs. It’s self-service, but lacks any resume viewing options. If you’re looking to hire a veteran for your open position, consider posting that open job on this site dedicated to matching military veterans with civilian job openings.

6. Virtual Vocations: Find Remote, Home-based Employees

Virtual Vocations provides employers with a free employer job portal that gives hiring managers access to over 900,000 job seekers—if your company is open to hiring remote workers and telecommuters. On this virtual job board, it’s the job seekers who sign up and pay $15.99 per month to access the site and find open jobs. It’s free for businesses to post jobs.

7. Wahve: Post Jobs for Seasoned Experts

Wahve is a job posting site where you can find vintage talent with expertise in accounting, human resources (HR), insurance, and more. It works more like a freelance website where these seasoned experts are hired by you as a contract worker, not as an employee. Nonetheless, if it’s an experienced industry pro you want, Wahve is a great option. Just contact Wahve to share the kind of expertise you need.

8. Expo.Tor: Event, Trade Show & Marketing Jobs

This job site is unique to the Expo industry in that it specifically provides talent for individuals in the event and marketing disciplines, such as staff to work your trade show. It also offers other event and trade show services, like product and event listings. But if you’re looking for talent in the marketing and event industry, you can post a job there for free.

9. Handshake: Firm Up Campus Recruiting Efforts With Free Job Ads

Handshake is new to our list this year. With over 500 university partners, it’s great for finding educated grads in fields like engineering, marketing, operations, sales, and HR. We’re impressed with Handshake’s philosophy of giving businesses and recruiters access to post jobs and employ college grads for free.

It also lets you participate in campus events like career fairs. To sign up, you need to create a company account, and each user will sign up individually and link to that account.

4 Job Sites That Offer Free Trials

Unlike Indeed and the free job posting sites above, this next list of job boards lacks a free plan—they only offer a free trial. Often, you can post one job on these sites to see if you like it; that may cost you nothing. In fact, most job applicants apply within the first 96 hours after the job is posted, and only 3% of job ads are still up by day 10, giving you plenty of time to try a site that offers a 30-day trial.

After your first job post, you can choose to upgrade or switch to another free job posting site. But make sure you read the fine print during the trial period and cancel your free account by the due date so you are not charged when the trial period ends.

1. ZipRecruiter: Get a Free Trial of This Popular Paid Job Site

With a database containing millions of job seeker resumes, ZipRecruiter earns solid reviews with affordable job posting options and job seekers sourced from third-party job boards. ZipRecruiter tends to be better for entry-level roles rather than managerial ones. Active job slots cost $249 per month, but it often has free trial promotions—so be on the lookout for a chance to try before you buy.

2. Glassdoor: Find Professional Talent in 30 Days Free

Like Indeed, Glassdoor is another top-rated job posting site that all employers should be using if for no other reason than to manage online company reviews. However, it also has a professional job board you can try out for 30 days. Paid plans cost $549 per month for five job postings and include a mobile app that makes applying for a job easier.

In fact, Glassdoor has really expanded its services to cater to employer clients, not just via recruiting, but also by offering a knowledge suite around recruiting with templates, datasheets, and webinars. See how Glassdoor and Indeed compare side by side for job postings, recruiting resources, salary tools, and online company reviews.

3. MightyRecruiter: Post to Nearly 30 Job Boards

Boasting 17 million resumes, MightyRecruiter is an aggregated recruiting platform where you can cross-post to multiple job boards at once entirely free for 30 days—including LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Career Builder. Free accounts post to over 20 job boards, while paid accounts, starting at $189 per month, post jobs to over 100 sites. It also has a resume database to search for passive job seekers.

4. JobSprout: Post Your International Jobs

JobSprout provides multiple free international job posting options that let you post from one to nine jobs free for 30 days. It supports industries from construction to law and paid job ads start at about $80 per job (pricing is in British pounds). If you’re doing a lot of hiring quickly, you may be able to post and fill several roles using the free plan by posting them all at once. It also includes a free dashboard to track all your applicants, similar to Indeed

Bottom Line

The good news about free job posting sites—beyond the fact that they’re free—is that you can post open jobs to more than one. Many employers keep track of all their job postings using an applicant tracking system (ATS). 

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