Monday, September 5, 2022

Become a SAFETY OFFICER - Workplace Safety


Why Workplace Health & Safety are Important

You may know that health and safety in the workplace are important, but you may not have thought of the reasons for it. The fact is there are probably more reasons than you have considered.

First, health and safety in the workplace benefits each and every person who works there. When people are healthy and safe, they are better able to do their jobs. This in turn benefits the company. When employers and employees alike spend their work hours in a place where there is less risk of illness or injury, they will not need to take time off from the job to deal with these problems. Everyone will be more productive.

It Takes Team Effort!

The best way to reach any goal is with teamwork. When each person knows that he has a stake in a project, it increases his willingness and motivation to contribute to it. He wants to give it his very best. These concepts are as true for health and safety in the workplace as they are for any other kind of project.

Some Rules are Essential

The overall safety and health in the workplace depends upon sensible rules. When each person knows that everyone who works there is expected to follow the same rules, it can reduce the risk of noncompliance.

Rewarding Compliance

You may be familiar with businesses which operate on the principle that it is essential and even honorable to never miss a day of work. While this is a good theory, it is not necessarily as good in practice. When employees feel that they will be rewarded for attendance, it encourages them to go to work when they are ill and to not report injuries.

You Need a Backup Plan

Whether you work alone, in an office, or on a jobsite, you need a backup plan to keep everything running smoothly. A good way to start is to think about these topics, and adjust them accordingly to suit your particular place of business. 

Dealing with Issues and Concerns

The best and most productive way to deal with issues and concerns in the workplace is to deal with them as soon as possible. When these issues and concerns involve job-related health and safety, it can also mean the difference between someone noticing a problem and getting it taken care of before it leads to more serious problems.

Although it will differ according to the particular workplace, some of the issues and concerns which your staff and employees may wish to address can include maintenance problems, cigarette smoking, the use of radios or other sound devices, and virtually anything else which has the potential to undermine safe, healthy work conditions. 

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How to Deal with Noncompliance

Team effort and cooperation are keys to a healthier, safer work environment. When these factors apply to the office or other jobsite, most people will agree that it is a good thing, and that it is in everyone’s best interest. However, you may find that you have one or more employees who do not follow the rules. Some may break the rules unintentionally, while others are openly defiant.

Remember What the Workplace is for!

The workplace should be a place where every employee feels comfortable, and motivated to do his job. When employees actually enjoy being at work, more can get accomplished. Unfortunately, you may find employees who take the idea of comfort and enjoyment too far, forgetting that they are in a place of business.

Make Your Workplace a Good Place

Employees will be happier, healthier, and get more accomplished, when the workplace is a good place to be. They will look forward to going to work each day, and be more motivated to do a good job. This is not to say that you should turn your office or jobsite into a fun zone or a place to be lazy. What it does mean is when employees are comfortable and relaxed on the job, they will be more energetic, and less likely to sustain accidental injuries.

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Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution is a necessary part of any company. Taking it seriously can mean the difference between disgruntled employees who become careless and unconcerned about their own welfare and that of others, and employees who are always ready to give and do their best.

Conflict is a part of human nature. In a work setting, where a large number of people are together for many hours every day, conflict should be expected. After all, each person brings his own individual personality, experiences, outlook, and ways of doing things, when he comes into work each day. As your employees cannot reasonably be expected to shed their uniqueness when they arrive at work, some degree of conflict will surely happen. When you are prepared for conflict, and prepared to resolve it as quickly and easily as possible, it is best for everyone concerned.

Are Dress Codes Appropriate?

If your company does not require its employees to wear uniforms, you may not have thought much about dress codes. Even if a workday does not involve employees wearing suits or other business attire, there are some factors related to dress codes which can be appropriate for your workplace.

Minimizing Distractions

The more distracted a person is when he is on the job, the more likely it will be that an accident will occur. Distractions which get in the way of doing one’s job, or paying attention to basic safety precautions, should be minimized.

Many people find unnecessary noise to be a distraction. A noisy work environment can result in employees being unable to concentrate and focus properly, becoming argumentative or confrontational with others, nervous, agitated, and stressed out.

People Who Work After Hours

In many companies, there are people who work after hours. When there is one, or a few, employees who are on the job at times other than the normal workday, some factors must be taken into consideration for their health and safety.

Reasonable Expectations and Time-Management

The workplace where reasonable expectations and sensible time-management are an everyday part of the job is the workplace that is safest for its employees.

You may not have thought of these factors as being relevant to on-the-job health and safety. They can have a very negative effect, or a very positive effect, depending upon the approach your company takes to these issues. 

Your Fire Safety Plan

While most businesses do have fire safety regulations, not enough people are aware of what is involved and what they must do in the event of a fire. It is a good idea to be sure that everyone in your company has the facts.

First, everyone should know their company’s regulations on sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, and fire alarms. They should be informed of where the fire extinguishers and fire alarms are located, as well as being instructed on how to operate them if it becomes necessary.

Being Organized

The more organized a workplace is, the less risk there will be of both health-related problems and accidental injuries.

One factor in reducing these risks is to be sure that your workplace is always clean. Whether you have a regular maintenance staff or depend upon an employee to deal with this issue, it is essential to keep your workplace clean at all times. Floors need to be cleaned on a regular basis, and wastebaskets and other receptacles must be emptied.

Plan for Emergences

No one likes to think of emergencies occurring in their workplace. Unfortunately, not thinking about it often results in not making plans. If you plan for possible emergencies in advance, and make sure everyone who works there is aware of the plans, it can prevent emergency situations from becoming disasters.

In addition to fire safety, some emergency situations which may occur on the job can include an injury or sudden illness, illegal activity such as drug use or unauthorized persons in the building, and emergencies which involve an employee’s personal life. The proper course of action for these and other emergencies should be discussed in advance.

Do You Need Security Guards?

Security guards are a standard part of many businesses today. It can be helpful for you to look at both sides of the issue in order to determine if security guards will be an asset to your company.

At its best, having security guards increases safety in the workplace. Duties which include monitoring the building for unauthorized persons, making sure employees get to their cars safely at night, and being present to assist in a variety of emergency situations, make having one or more security guards on the premises a safer environment for all employees.

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