Sunday, December 4, 2022

CANADA - Super Visa - invite your parents and grand parents to Canada to live with you in CANADA


What is a Super Visa?

The super visa is a visa for parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents. It works differently than a standard visitor, as visitor visas only entitle the holder to stay in Canada for a maximum of six months before the holder needs to renew their status. Currently, the super visa allows the holder to remain in Canada for up to two years before the holder needs to reapply. As a result of the extended period in which the holder is permitted to stay in Canada when compared with a regular visitor visa, the super visa is an effective option for parents or grandparents who wish to join their children or grandchildren for a prolonged stay in Canada.

Super Visa Eligibility

There are a number of conditions that must be met in order for an applicant to qualify for a super visa. Applicants must satisfy the following minimum requirements in order to qualify:

  • The Applicant must be the parent or grandparent of a Canadian  citizen or a permanent resident of Canada;
  • The Applicant’s child or grandchild who is a resident in Canada must provide a letter including:
    • a promise that the applicant will have adequate financial support for the duration of their visit;
    • a list of people in the household of the person providing the letter; and
    • a copy of their Canadian citizenship or permanent resident document.
  • The Applicant must have fully paid and approved medical insurance from a Canadian insurance company that:
    • is valid for at least 1 year from the date of entry; 
    • provides at least $100,000 of coverage; and
    • proof that medical insurance has been paid (quotes are not acceptable).

The above requirements must be provided. Super visas also must be applied for from outside of Canada. Applicants need to be admissible to Canada, which means the applicant cannot have a poor health record or that would make them inadmissible to Canada. Applicants must also take an immigration medical exam in order to apply for a super visa.

For the financial support requirement, the government accepts certain forms from the applicant’s child or grandchild as proof of the minimum necessary income required in order to apply for a super visa application. Some of the documents that can be used as proof are Notice of Assessment (NOA) or T4/T1 for the most recent tax year, employment Insurance stubs, employment letter including salary and date of hiring, pay stubs, or bank statements.

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada also takes a few more factors into consideration when considering an application. They want to ensure that the applicant is a genuine visitor who will leave Canada by choice at the end of their visit. The factors that are taken into consideration are the Applicant’s ties to their home country, the purpose of their visit, their family and finances, and the overall economic and political stability of the Applicant’s home country. The factors are considered with the requirements set out above by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada in making a decision on an application. 

What is super visa insurance?

One of the requirements of being approved for a super visa is that you have medical insurance that covers you for at least one year from the date of entry to Canada. The medical insurance can be from any Canadian insurance company or from a designated foreign insurance company. This is what super visa insurance or super visa health insurance is.

Basically Canada wants to make sure that you’re not going to be a financial burden on the publicly funded heath system when you visit. So you need to prove that you’ve got insurance that will cover you for any medical needs you have when you’re in Canada.

Before July 4, 2022 the medical insurance you needed had to be from a Canadian insurer. But changes came into effect on July 4, 2022 that allows IRCC to designated non-Canadian insurance companies to provide super visa insurance. But as of now, no international insurance companies have been designated so this means that still, only Canadian insurance providers can provide super visa insurance.

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