Thursday, July 13, 2023

TURKEY - ISTANBUL UNIVERSITY English taught programs. Tourism Management, Textile & Fashion Design ( Undergraduate )


 English Preparatory Program

As you may know the medium of instruction for most of the programs at İstanbul Bilgi University is in English. Therefore, those students that have an English proficiency below a certain level must develop their English language skills before proceeding to their departmental studies. The main aim of the English Preparatory Program is to help students reach the desired level of proficiency so they can follow their departmental courses without difficulty. While this may be our main aim, it is also one of our many aims.

Undergraduate Popular Programs

·       Television Reporting and Programming

·         The world of communication is changing very rapidly. This rapid change finds its expression in new stories, new storytellers, new ways of storytelling, and new mediums. Perpetuating the conventional forms, television is reconciling with the facts of this change via Web TV, Mobile TV, IP TV, VOD, 3D TV, Social TV, and with the ‘streaming platforms, especially today. Changes in technology are shaping our lifestyles, our ways of thinking and interpreting. As TVRP, our goal is to prepare our students as individuals who are going to be successful in this rapidly changing professional environment. And we believe that the avenues to success lie in the technical competence, teamwork, organization ability, and creativity. By becoming a member of TVRP family you will be stepping not only into the world of television but also into the world of digital media and broadcasting.


·         Textile and Fashion Design

·         Fashion and Textile Design Department was founded to meet the need for creative and renovative designers in the fashion industry.  The structure of the four-year BA degree program in Fashion Design has been formed in order to meet these requirements by focusing on granting students to experiment as well as specialize within creative and practical areas of expertise in the field of their future job.


·         Tourism Management

·       Beginning with the need to relocate, tourism has become a part of education due to necessity for knowledge, developing service industry and national demands. As individuals’ quest for education diversifies, the demand for schools on tourism gradually increases. Besides, the recent increase in demand for touristic facilities directly led to an increase in the demand for well-educated professionals to serve in the tourism sector.

BİLGİ Tourism Management Program is designed to teach its students the basic principles of the sector and provide them with the up to date practical use of the theoretical material.

Students who enroll BİLGİ Tourism Management Undergraduate Program have the opportunity to study at distinguished universities abroad, thanks to exchange programs and bilateral agreements. Besides, cooperation’s with national and international tourism institutions and tourism professionals provide our students benefit from the experiences of industry leaders throughout their education during lectures, practical training's, organized or visited organizations, etc.

Please feel free to contact for admission assistance. We can assist without application fee. No charges.  Visa Guidance relevant to your nationality. 

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